Refugees International


Refugees International (RI) advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. Founded in 1979, RI has become a leading advocacy organization that promotes action from global leaders to address refugee crises around the world.


RI Development leadership was in a transition in 2013 and needed strategic guidance during this shift so they could sustain their fundraising efforts while looking to diversify their development programs.


Windmill Hill Consulting (WHC) helped conduct an initial development assessment to identify areas of strength and opportunities, provided coaching and technical skills-building for the new RI leadership and staff, and advised on foundation strategies and their year-end fundraising plans. Following this collaboration, WHC was retained for an additional year to provide counsel to RI on their institutional foundation relations, on how to grow their individual giving program through the creation of new leadership giving circles, and on research for the piloting of a Corporate Cabinet.


The recommendations and hands-on implementation support WHC offered helped RI’s new Vice President of Philanthropy transition into her leadership role and adopt the recommendations on how to build, maintain, and diversify their revenue streams.

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