Matching Gifts: A Hidden Gem for Nonprofits

Imagine doubling or tripling every donation your nonprofit receives. Every fundraiser’s dream!

Matching gifts offer the potential to turn this dream into reality, but many organizations are unaware of this hidden gem. By effectively securing and promoting matching gifts, you significantly boost your fundraising efforts. 

So let’s explore what matching gifts are, why they’re so valuable, and how to maximize their potential for your organization. This guide can help you make matching gifts a win-win situation for everyone involved.

What is a matching gift?

The goal of a matching gift is to increase the impact of an original donation. Matching gifts usually originate from two different directions: 

  1. From a corporation’s perspective, a matching gift is a contribution made to a nonprofit organization on behalf of its employees or their family members. When an employee donates to a qualified charity, the company matches the donation. This incentivizes employees to give and can double or even triple the impact of their contributions. 
  2. From a donor’s perspective, a matching gift is a way to amplify their contribution to a nonprofit. By pledging to match donations during a set time frame, this is a much more time-sensitive fundraising initiative as it drives a sense of urgency to the donations.

Corporations can also partner with nonprofits and sponsor a matching gift campaign, usually with the incentive that any language marketing the match will feature the corporation’s name.

Matching gifts offer a unique opportunity to increase fundraising revenue without incurring additional costs.

Why are matching gifts so valuable?

An estimated $2-$3 billion is donated through matching gift programs annually. That’s huge! Not to mention that 1 in 3 donors indicate that they’d give a larger gift if a match is applied to their donation, according to Double the Donation. 

There are so many advantages that come with matching gifts:

  1. Increased Donations: The obvious one! Matching gifts directly translate into more funds for your organization. 
  2. Expanded Donor Base: Matches can convert more donors who might not have considered giving to your organization otherwise.
  3. Enhanced Donor Engagement: Matching gifts can strengthen your relationship with donors. By offering a tangible benefit, you’re demonstrating your commitment to their generosity and making them – and their donation – feel more valued.
  4. Corporate Partnerships: Matching gifts can foster relationships with corporations, opening doors for future collaborations and support.
  5. Improved Visibility: Promoting matching gifts can increase your nonprofit’s visibility when working to acquire new leads and supporters.

How to Find Matching Gift Programs

One of the first steps in leveraging matching gifts is to identify companies that offer these programs. Here are some effective methods:

  • Online databases: Certain websites that provide comprehensive databases of companies that offer matching gifts. Platforms like Double the Donation can be embedded into your donation page for easy searching.
  • Inform your donors: Include language on donation pages or ways to give information that encourages supporters to inquire if their employers have matching gift programs. Don’t assume that a donor will remember that their employer might match their contribution! Make it easy to see and search for their employer.
  • Partner with corporations: Build relationships with local businesses and inquire about their corporate giving initiatives.
  • Attend industry events: Network with other nonprofits and learn about their experiences with matching gifts.
  • Ask your donors: Sometimes peer matches are even better to promote. Consider a matching/challenge gift from your board as a collective or some larger donors whose personal donation can be leveraged.

Advertising Matching Gifts Effectively

Once you’ve secured your matching gift, advertise it effectively to your donors. 

Here are some proven strategies:

  1. Educate Your Donors:
  • Create informational materials: Develop brochures, flyers, or emails explaining how matching gifts work and the benefits for donors – and for the mission they care about.
  • Host workshops or webinars: Provide in-depth information about matching gifts and answer donor questions.
  • Include matching gift information in your communications: Highlight matching gifts in your newsletters, pledge cards, social media posts, website content, and any other appropriate channel.
  1. Make it Easy for Donors to Participate:
  • Provide clear instructions: Guide donors through the matching gift process step-by-step.
  • Offer online forms: Simplify the submission process by providing online forms for donors to request matching gifts from their employers.
  • Assist donors: Be available to answer questions and provide support throughout the matching gift process as needed.
  1. Leverage Social Media:
  • Create engaging content: Share stories about the impact of matching gifts and how they benefit your organization.
  • Use relevant hashtags or promotional material: Employ popular hashtags related to matching gifts and your cause to increase potential awareness, and make sure to mention or tag the corresponding corporation, when appropriate.
  • Encourage sharing: Encourage donors to share your matching gift information with their networks.
  1. Personalize Your Approach:
  • Tailor your messaging: Customize your communications to resonate with specific donor segments, or offer the match as a way to boost a specific audience, like monthly donors.
  • Offer incentives: Provide additional incentives, such as a fun premium or experience to encourage donors to participate in matching gift programs.
  1. Track and Measure Results:
  • Monitor donations: Keep track of donations that are eligible for matching gifts, and how many donors choose to make a donation because of the match promotion. 
  • Evaluate your campaigns: Analyze the effectiveness of any marketing efforts and make necessary adjustments. Don’t be afraid to try a new approach.

Effective Channels for Promoting Matching Gifts

  1. Email Marketing. Email is one of the easiest ways to get the word out about a match. Send targeted appeals to your donor base, highlighting the matching gift opportunity and providing clear instructions.
  2. Social Media: Share information about matching gifts on your nonprofit’s social media channels, using relevant hashtags and engaging visuals.
  3. Website Banners: Create eye-catching banners on your website to promote matching gifts and direct visitors to learn more about how their impact can be doubled (or sometimes even tripled!).
  4. Print Materials: Include matching gift information in your newsletters, pledge cards with your direct mail, brochures, and any other appropriate direct mail appeals. 
  5. Donor Events: Feature matching gifts at fundraising events and gatherings.

When Should You Leverage a Matching Gift?

In most instances, timing is key when it comes to a match. 

  • Launch the match at the beginning or during a peak giving period. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage donors to take advantage of the opportunity.
  • Coordinate the match with other campaign activities, like offering a match during a specific event, fundraising challenge, or busy time of year – like Giving Tuesday and End of Year.

Best Practices for Matching Gift Campaign Language

When crafting language for a matching gift campaign, aim for clarity, excitement, and a strong call to action. Here are some key best practices:

1. Highlight the Impact:

  • Emphasize the power of matching gifts: Show how a donor’s gift will be doubled, making a more significant impact. Studies show that the amount of the match doesn’t matter to donors. Rather, it’s more the opportunity to leverage their gift in any way that motivates them.
  • Use strong verbs and imagery: Convey the excitement and potential of the matching gift. For example, “Double your impact,” “Watch your gift grow,” “Make a difference twice over,” or “Your gift goes 2x as far”.

2. Create a Sense of Urgency:

  • Use strong calls to action: If the matching gift has a deadline, clearly state it. For example, “Time is running out! Donate today and double your impact.” 
  • Don’t be afraid to use visual cues in your campaigns, like countdown clocks, progress bars, or supporter records.
  • Highlight the benefits of early giving to encourage donors to act quickly to maximize their contribution.

3. Be Clear and Concise:

  • Explain the matching gift program simply by using clear and concise language that is easy for donors to understand.
  • Avoid jargon or technical terms and keep the messaging accessible to a wide audience.

4. Express Gratitude:

  • Thank donors for their generosity: Show appreciation for their support and contributions.
  • Highlight the impact of their donations: Explain how their gifts will help your nonprofit achieve its mission.

And last but certainly not least, don’t forget to send a thank you to anyone who contributed to your matching gift campaign. 

Expressing gratitude to donors after your match campaign is a fundamental aspect of building and maintaining strong relationships with your supporters. It shows that their contributions are valued and that they are an essential part of your organization’s success.

By following some of the best practices, you can effectively advertise matching gifts and maximize their potential for your nonprofit. Remember, matching gifts are a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your fundraising efforts. With careful planning and execution, you can leverage this opportunity to make a lasting impact on your cause.

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