As the world of fundraising constantly evolves, it is essential for non-profits to embrace the latest trends for long-term success. Digital transformation, data-driven decision-making, peer-to-peer fundraising, virtual and hybrid events, and strategic partnerships with corporations are all shaping the way non-profits engage with donors and make a difference in their respective communities. By remaining flexible, utilizing technology, and building meaningful relationships, non-profits will continue to bring about positive change in their communities. In today’s podcast, Barbara O’Reilly from Windmill Hill Consulting and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, a leading provider of business loans for nonprofits, discuss fundraising trends we’re seeing at nonprofits.
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About Barbara O’Reilly, Windmill Hill Consulting
Barbara has thirty years of annual fund, major gifts, and campaign fundraising experience at major non-profit organizations, including Harvard University, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Oxford University in England, and the American Red Cross.
About Stephen Halasnik, The Nonprofit MBA Podcast, and Financing Solutions
Stephen Halasnik co-founded Financing Solutions, the leading provider of lines of credit for nonprofits and church financing. The credit line program for nonprofits & churches is fast, easy, inexpensive, and costs nothing to set up, making it a great backup plan when cash flow is temporarily down. Mr. Halasnik is also the host of the popular Nonprofit MBA Podcast. The podcast brings experts to discuss fundraising, nonprofit grants, executive director leadership, nonprofit boards, and other important topics. You can learn more about the nonprofit line of credit program here or call 862-207-4118.