Every Child By Two


Every Child By Two (ECBT) was founded in 1991 by Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Former First Lady of Arkansas Betty Bumpers as a response to the U.S. measles epidemic which sickened 55,622 Americans, hospitalized over 11,000 and killed more than 120 people, many of them young children. Today, ECBT strives to increase awareness of the need for timely immunizations, increase the public’s understanding of vaccine safety, ensure that all families have access to life-saving vaccines, and encourage pro-vaccine legislation.


For nearly 25 years, ECBT has delivered impactful and broad-reaching advocacy and public education campaigns. Their lean operations have hindered the organization’s ability to grow a stable stream of financial resources. ECBT needed to establish a development program to ensure its sustainability.


Windmill Hill Consulting (WHC) conducted an assessment through key stakeholder interviews and review of materials to determine the best recommendations for creating a stronger culture of philanthropy within ECBT. WHC helped ECBT define its case for support; developed a strategy for growing and diversifying its donors; and created a list of immediate and long-term prospects to begin to cultivate and solicit. In addition, WHC provided training and support of ECBT’s staff and Board leadership to encourage more strategic involvement in donor-centered fundraising while also suggesting a staffing solution that would help them grow their donor base over the long-term.


As a result of this collaboration, ECBT is better prepared to look ahead to its next 25 years with a clearer sense of how to position its work and funding opportunities to potential donors, and create the right staffing structure and Board engagement needed to sustain and grow its donor outreach.

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